GaNational是美国加州大学人员创办,专注于第三代半导体GaN氮化镓研发和销售的一站式解决方案供应商。公司在GaN氮化镓领域拥有外延片材料、电路架构设计、工艺技术开发、高效散热封装等核心技术和专利。公司拥有650V、900V、1200V及100V、200V不同平台GaN氮化镓产品,其具有高可靠性、高稳定性、低漏电流、高开关频率、高转换效率等特色优势。公司GaN氮化镓产品可以在大功率充电、户外电源、移动电源、光伏储能、数据中心、东数西算、5G通信、激光雷达、电动汽车等领域广泛应用。公司研发团队硕士博士人员占比超过95%,来自德州仪器、英飞凌、意法半导体、Transphorm、GaN Systems、Navitas、EPC等企业和美国加州大学、加拿大多伦多大学、香港科技大学、电子科技大学、复旦大学、浙江大学等知名高校。2022 年全球功率半导体市场规模约 450 亿元,其中中国市场约 200 亿元,目前氮化镓在功率半导体中的渗透率不到 3%。随着全球对能源、能耗的重视以及中国的 " 双碳 " 目标,性能更优、成本相当的氮化镓功率器件会得到更加广泛的应用,未来五年氮化镓在功率半导体的应用渗透率会有望提高到15%。
GaNational Semiconductor is a Fablite company focusing on the third generation semiconductor material GaN GaN power devices and power ICs. The company has mastered the core technology of the whole industry chain in terms of gallium nitride material characteristics, substrate materials, epitaxial wafer growth, device/chip design, FAB manufacturing process, packaging process, etc. Its products are aimed at industrial and vehicle specification markets, and are widely used in mobile phones, large data centers, electric vehicles and other fields. In 2022, the global power semiconductor market will be about 45 billion yuan, of which the Chinese market will be about 20 billion yuan. At present, the penetration rate of GaN in power semiconductor will be less than 3%. With the global emphasis on energy and energy consumption and China's "double carbon" goal, gallium nitride power devices with better performance and comparable cost will be more widely used. The application penetration of gallium nitride in power semiconductors is expected to increase to 15% in the next five years.
国镓半导体(无锡)有限公 | GaNational Semiconductor Co., Ltd,