董氏基金會|華文戒菸網 董氏基金會|華文戒菸網
网站关键词:菸,煙,戒菸,戒煙,拒菸,拒煙,禁菸,禁煙,反煙,反菸,菸害,煙害,吸菸,吸煙,抽菸,抽煙,菸品,煙品,香菸,香煙,菸草,煙草,菸商,煙商,二手菸,二手煙,無菸職場,無煙職場,網路戒菸,網路戒煙,門診戒菸,門診戒煙,戒菸諮詢,戒煙諮詢,戒菸專線,戒煙專線,戒菸管道,戒煙管道,吸菸人口,吸煙人口,菸害申訴,煙害申訴,菸害防治,煙害防治,董氏基金會,戒菸計畫,成癮,戒斷,斷癮,菸品容器警示圖文,煙品容器警示圖文,菸盒警示圖文,煙盒警示圖文,孫越,陳淑麗,焦油,尼古丁,慢性阻塞性肺疾,慢阻肺,肺癌,肺氣腫,口腔癌,壞疽,癌症,戒必適,耐煙盼,尼古丁替代療法,尼古清,貼片,口嚼錠,咀嚼錠,口腔吸入劑。tobacco, smoke, quit, hazard, cigarette, second hand smoke, smoke free, tobacco free, online, clinic, consultation, quitline, service, complaint, tobacco control, John Tung Foundation, Mandarin, Chinese, cessation, setback, help, hazard, health warning, Uncle Sun, Sister Chen, A-li, quit and win, myth, tar, nicotine, copd, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, emphysema, cancer, gangrene, champix, NRT, nicorette, patch, gum, inhaler.
网站描述:「華文戒菸網」由董氏基金會所建置,提供全球華人最完整的菸害資訊和網路戒菸服務;所有民眾皆可透過網站、部落格與論壇平台,進行戒菸與反菸經驗的交流。網站內容包含各國菸品容器警示圖文、吸菸成癮的原因、戒菸的迷思與方法、戒斷症狀的原理與紓解方式、戒菸的理由與身心恢復平衡的過程、吸菸與二手菸對人體造成的傷害,以及如何持續不吸菸等等…想要戒菸的民眾只要加入「戒菸e計畫」,系統將依照各階段戒菸者的不同需求,將ㄧ天寄送一封電子郵件,提供戒菸者鼓勵與建議。E-Quit Chinese has built up by John Tung Foundation, providing Chinese around the world the most comprehensive information regarding tobacco control and IE cessation services. People can join in the E-Quit Support Program. The program system can distinguish users’ cessation process and provide an e-mail a day to assist and encourage the user. Every user can interact with other users through using blog and forum. The content of this website includes health warnings, the reason to quit, second hand smoke, harms, maintenance.