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高频低噪声三极管 - 射频宽带三极管 声表面波谐振器、滤波器 大功率高频三极管 场效应管 功放,低噪放,选频器,功放模块,射频管,双工管,低噪声,放大器,混频器,功分器,耦合器,衰减器,电容,负载电阻,可调电位器,声表滤波器,介质滤波器,隔离器 环行器,VCO,pin 微波,高频,二极管,三极管,温补晶振 微波直放站、手机信号增强器、室内分布等设备的组件(功放、低噪放、选频器等)提供配套的元件。具体有功放,低噪放,选频器,功放,低噪放,选频器,功放模块,射频管,双工器,低噪声,放大器,混频器,功分器,耦合器,衰减器,负载电阻,可调电位器,声表滤波器,介质滤波器,隔离器,环行器,VCOS,二三极管,温补晶振 ic electronics ic network, components, electronic components, components, stock, IC suppliers, IC buyers, buyers of electronic components, electronic components suppliers, diodes, transistors, silicon controlled rectifier, integrated circuitsfast recovery, Schottky, microcontroller, memory, varactor, the sensor, the Hall element, the photoelectric cell, the IGBT, FET, photoelectric switches, optical coupling, high-frequency tubes, microwave tubes, voltage regulator tubes, rectifier bridge?? the IC model, the price of ic, ic procurement, ic sales ic information, ic stock, IC trading. IC website, IC model, the IC supply and demand, IC inventory, IC query, IC Daquan, military high-frequency control high-frequency transistor frequency transmitter tube high-frequency power RF tube tube ordinary tube. Darlington line tube amplifier tube field effect. IGBT SCR fast Recovery Schottky three terminal regulator Supermicro series of paired tube military IC components, military supplies products for civilian power amplifier modules, microwave - high-frequency tube amplifier board microwave amplifier the GSM WCDMA CDMA of CDMA2000 SCDMA is MMDS, the PHS the tdma w-of cdma mhz ghz
High-frequency low-noise transistors - RF wideband transistor SAW resonator, filter high-frequency high-power transistor FET power amplifier, LNA, the selected frequency, power amplifier modules, RF control, duplex pipe, low noise, amplifiers, mixers, splitters, couplers, attenuators, capacitance, load resistance, adjustable potentiometer, SAW filters, dielectric filters, isolators circulators, the VCO, the pin microwave, high-frequency, diode, transistor, the TCXO microwave repeater, cell phone signal enhancement, indoor distribution equipment components (amplifier, LNA, choose the frequency, etc.) to provide the supporting components. Specific amplifier, noise amplifier, frequency selection device, power amplifier, LNA, choose the frequency, power amplifier modules, RF tube, duplexer, low noise amplifiers, mixers, splitters, couplers, attenuators , load resistance, adjustable potentiometer, SAW filters, dielectric filters, isolators, circulators, VCOS, the transistor, the TCXO mmic si rf pin Diodes Diode
PIN/NIP Switchi,rf-china Semiconductor, Inc., manufactures RF power transistors and microwave diodes, replacing transistors from Motorola, Philips, and SGS Thomson, and others, and microwave diodes from HP, M/A-COM, Alpha, FUIISTU、ERICSSON、Infineon,freescale,Eudyna, mmic,mmics,RF MOSFET, MOSFETs,RF Power Field Effect Transistors,
and others
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